Background Reading:
Classes (MDN)
TypeScript offers full support for the class
keyword introduced in ES2015.
As with other JavaScript language features, TypeScript adds type annotations and other syntax to allow you to express relationships between classes and other types.
Class Members
Here’s the most basic class - an empty one:
classPoint {}
This class isn’t very useful yet, so let’s start adding some members.
A field declaration creates a public writeable property on a class:
classPoint {x : number;y : number;}constpt = newPoint ();pt .x = 0;pt .y = 0;
As with other locations, the type annotation is optional, but will be an implicit any
if not specified.
Fields can also have initializers; these will run automatically when the class is instantiated:
classPoint {x = 0;y = 0;}constpt = newPoint ();// Prints 0, 0console .log (`${pt .x }, ${pt .y }`);
Just like with const
, let
, and var
, the initializer of a class property will be used to infer its type:
constpt = newPoint ();Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.2322Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.pt .x = "0";
The strictPropertyInitialization
setting controls whether class fields need to be initialized in the constructor.
classBadGreeter {Property 'name' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor.2564Property 'name' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor.: string; name }
classGoodGreeter {name : string;constructor() { = "hello";}}
Note that the field needs to be initialized in the constructor itself. TypeScript does not analyze methods you invoke from the constructor to detect initializations, because a derived class might override those methods and fail to initialize the members.
If you intend to definitely initialize a field through means other than the constructor (for example, maybe an external library is filling in part of your class for you), you can use the definite assignment assertion operator, !
classOKGreeter {// Not initialized, but no errorname !: string;}
Fields may be prefixed with the readonly
This prevents assignments to the field outside of the constructor.
classGreeter {readonlyname : string = "world";constructor(otherName ?: string) {if (otherName !==undefined ) { =otherName ;}}err () {this.Cannot assign to 'name' because it is a read-only property.2540Cannot assign to 'name' because it is a read-only property.= "not ok"; name }}constg = newGreeter ();Cannot assign to 'name' because it is a read-only property.2540Cannot assign to 'name' because it is a read-only property.g .= "also not ok"; name
Background Reading:
Constructor (MDN)
Class constructors are very similar to functions. You can add parameters with type annotations, default values, and overloads:
classPoint {x : number;y : number;// Normal signature with defaultsconstructor(x = 0,y = 0) {this.x =x ;this.y =y ;}}
classPoint {x : number = 0;y : number = 0;// Constructor overloadsconstructor(x : number,y : number);constructor(xy : string);constructor(x : string | number,y : number = 0) {// Code logic here}}
There are just a few differences between class constructor signatures and function signatures:
- Constructors can’t have type parameters - these belong on the outer class declaration, which we’ll learn about later
- Constructors can’t have return type annotations - the class instance type is always what’s returned
Super Calls
Just as in JavaScript, if you have a base class, you’ll need to call super();
in your constructor body before using any this.
classBase {k = 4;}classDerived extendsBase {constructor() {// Prints a wrong value in ES5; throws exception in ES6'super' must be called before accessing 'this' in the constructor of a derived class.17009'super' must be called before accessing 'this' in the constructor of a derived class.console .log (this .k );super();}}
Forgetting to call super
is an easy mistake to make in JavaScript, but TypeScript will tell you when it’s necessary.
Background Reading:
Method definitions
A function property on a class is called a method. Methods can use all the same type annotations as functions and constructors:
classPoint {x = 10;y = 10;scale (n : number): void {this.x *=n ;this.y *=n ;}}
Other than the standard type annotations, TypeScript doesn’t add anything else new to methods.
Note that inside a method body, it is still mandatory to access fields and other methods via this.
An unqualified name in a method body will always refer to something in the enclosing scope:
letx : number = 0;classC {x : string = "hello";m () {// This is trying to modify 'x' from line 1, not the class propertyType 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.2322Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.= "world"; x }}
Getters / Setters
Classes can also have accessors:
classC {_length = 0;getlength () {return this._length ;}setlength (value ) {this._length =value ;}}
Note that a field-backed get/set pair with no extra logic is very rarely useful in JavaScript. It’s fine to expose public fields if you don’t need to add additional logic during the get/set operations.
TypeScript has some special inference rules for accessors:
- If
exists but noset
, the property is automaticallyreadonly
- If the type of the setter parameter is not specified, it is inferred from the return type of the getter
Since TypeScript 4.3, it is possible to have accessors with different types for getting and setting.
classThing {_size = 0;getsize (): number {return this._size ;}setsize (value : string | number | boolean) {letnum =Number (value );// Don't allow NaN, Infinity, etcif (!Number .isFinite (num )) {this._size = 0;return;}this._size =num ;}}
Index Signatures
Classes can declare index signatures; these work the same as Index Signatures for other object types:
classMyClass {[s : string]: boolean | ((s : string) => boolean);check (s : string) {return this[s ] as boolean;}}
Because the index signature type needs to also capture the types of methods, it’s not easy to usefully use these types. Generally it’s better to store indexed data in another place instead of on the class instance itself.
Class Heritage
Like other languages with object-oriented features, classes in JavaScript can inherit from base classes.
You can use an implements
clause to check that a class satisfies a particular interface
An error will be issued if a class fails to correctly implement it:
interfacePingable {ping (): void;}classSonar implementsPingable {ping () {console .log ("ping!");}}classClass 'Ball' incorrectly implements interface 'Pingable'. Property 'ping' is missing in type 'Ball' but required in type 'Pingable'.2420Class 'Ball' incorrectly implements interface 'Pingable'. Property 'ping' is missing in type 'Ball' but required in type 'Pingable'.implements Ball Pingable {pong () {console .log ("pong!");}}
Classes may also implement multiple interfaces, e.g. class C implements A, B {
It’s important to understand that an implements
clause is only a check that the class can be treated as the interface type.
It doesn’t change the type of the class or its methods at all.
A common source of error is to assume that an implements
clause will change the class type - it doesn’t!
interfaceCheckable {check (name : string): boolean;}classNameChecker implementsCheckable {Parameter 's' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006Parameter 's' implicitly has an 'any' type.check () { s // Notice no error herereturns .toLowerCase () === "ok";}}
In this example, we perhaps expected that s
’s type would be influenced by the name: string
parameter of check
It is not - implements
clauses don’t change how the class body is checked or its type inferred.
Similarly, implementing an interface with an optional property doesn’t create that property:
interfaceA {x : number;y ?: number;}classC implementsA {x = 0;}constc = newC ();Property 'y' does not exist on type 'C'.2339Property 'y' does not exist on type 'C'.c .= 10; y
Background Reading:
extends keyword (MDN)
Classes may extend
from a base class.
A derived class has all the properties and methods of its base class, and can also define additional members.
classAnimal {move () {console .log ("Moving along!");}}classDog extendsAnimal {woof (times : number) {for (leti = 0;i <times ;i ++) {console .log ("woof!");}}}constd = newDog ();// Base class methodd .move ();// Derived class methodd .woof (3);
Overriding Methods
Background Reading:
super keyword (MDN)
A derived class can also override a base class field or property.
You can use the super.
syntax to access base class methods.
Note that because JavaScript classes are a simple lookup object, there is no notion of a “super field”.
TypeScript enforces that a derived class is always a subtype of its base class.
For example, here’s a legal way to override a method:
classBase {greet () {console .log ("Hello, world!");}}classDerived extendsBase {greet (name ?: string) {if (name ===undefined ) {super.greet ();} else {console .log (`Hello, ${name .toUpperCase ()}`);}}}constd = newDerived ();d .greet ();d .greet ("reader");
It’s important that a derived class follow its base class contract. Remember that it’s very common (and always legal!) to refer to a derived class instance through a base class reference:
// Alias the derived instance through a base class referenceconstb :Base =d ;// No problemb .greet ();
What if Derived
didn’t follow Base
’s contract?
classBase {greet () {console .log ("Hello, world!");}}classDerived extendsBase {// Make this parameter requiredProperty 'greet' in type 'Derived' is not assignable to the same property in base type 'Base'. Type '(name: string) => void' is not assignable to type '() => void'. Target signature provides too few arguments. Expected 1 or more, but got 0.2416Property 'greet' in type 'Derived' is not assignable to the same property in base type 'Base'. Type '(name: string) => void' is not assignable to type '() => void'. Target signature provides too few arguments. Expected 1 or more, but got 0.( greet name : string) {console .log (`Hello, ${name .toUpperCase ()}`);}}
If we compiled this code despite the error, this sample would then crash:
constb :Base = newDerived ();// Crashes because "name" will be undefinedb .greet ();
Type-only Field Declarations
When target >= ES2022
or useDefineForClassFields
is true
, class fields are initialized after the parent class constructor completes, overwriting any value set by the parent class. This can be a problem when you only want to re-declare a more accurate type for an inherited field. To handle these cases, you can write declare
to indicate to TypeScript that there should be no runtime effect for this field declaration.
interfaceAnimal {dateOfBirth : any;}interfaceDog extendsAnimal {breed : any;}classAnimalHouse {resident :Animal ;constructor(animal :Animal ) {this.resident =animal ;}}classDogHouse extendsAnimalHouse {// Does not emit JavaScript code,// only ensures the types are correctdeclareresident :Dog ;constructor(dog :Dog ) {super(dog );}}
Initialization Order
The order that JavaScript classes initialize can be surprising in some cases. Let’s consider this code:
classBase {name = "base";constructor() {console .log ("My name is " + );}}classDerived extendsBase {name = "derived";}// Prints "base", not "derived"constd = newDerived ();
What happened here?
The order of class initialization, as defined by JavaScript, is:
- The base class fields are initialized
- The base class constructor runs
- The derived class fields are initialized
- The derived class constructor runs
This means that the base class constructor saw its own value for name
during its own constructor, because the derived class field initializations hadn’t run yet.
Inheriting Built-in Types
Note: If you don’t plan to inherit from built-in types like
, etc. or your compilation target is explicitly set toES6
or above, you may skip this section
In ES2015, constructors which return an object implicitly substitute the value of this
for any callers of super(...)
It is necessary for generated constructor code to capture any potential return value of super(...)
and replace it with this
As a result, subclassing Error
, Array
, and others may no longer work as expected.
This is due to the fact that constructor functions for Error
, Array
, and the like use ECMAScript 6’s
to adjust the prototype chain;
however, there is no way to ensure a value for
when invoking a constructor in ECMAScript 5.
Other downlevel compilers generally have the same limitation by default.
For a subclass like the following:
classMsgError extendsError {constructor(m : string) {super(m );}sayHello () {return "hello " + this.message ;}}
you may find that:
- methods may be
on objects returned by constructing these subclasses, so callingsayHello
will result in an error. instanceof
will be broken between instances of the subclass and their instances, so(new MsgError()) instanceof MsgError
will returnfalse
As a recommendation, you can manually adjust the prototype immediately after any super(...)
classMsgError extendsError {constructor(m : string) {super(m );// Set the prototype explicitly.Object .setPrototypeOf (this,MsgError .prototype );}sayHello () {return "hello " + this.message ;}}
However, any subclass of MsgError
will have to manually set the prototype as well.
For runtimes that don’t support Object.setPrototypeOf
, you may instead be able to use __proto__
Unfortunately, these workarounds will not work on Internet Explorer 10 and prior.
One can manually copy methods from the prototype onto the instance itself (i.e. MsgError.prototype
onto this
), but the prototype chain itself cannot be fixed.
Member Visibility
You can use TypeScript to control whether certain methods or properties are visible to code outside the class.
The default visibility of class members is public
A public
member can be accessed anywhere:
classGreeter {publicgreet () {console .log ("hi!");}}constg = newGreeter ();g .greet ();
Because public
is already the default visibility modifier, you don’t ever need to write it on a class member, but might choose to do so for style/readability reasons.
members are only visible to subclasses of the class they’re declared in.
classGreeter {publicgreet () {console .log ("Hello, " + this.getName ());}protectedgetName () {return "hi";}}classSpecialGreeter extendsGreeter {publichowdy () {// OK to access protected member hereconsole .log ("Howdy, " + this.getName ());}}constg = newSpecialGreeter ();g .greet (); // OKProperty 'getName' is protected and only accessible within class 'Greeter' and its subclasses.2445Property 'getName' is protected and only accessible within class 'Greeter' and its subclasses.g .(); getName
Exposure of protected
Derived classes need to follow their base class contracts, but may choose to expose a subtype of base class with more capabilities.
This includes making protected
members public
classBase {protectedm = 10;}classDerived extendsBase {// No modifier, so default is 'public'm = 15;}constd = newDerived ();console .log (d .m ); // OK
Note that Derived
was already able to freely read and write m
, so this doesn’t meaningfully alter the “security” of this situation.
The main thing to note here is that in the derived class, we need to be careful to repeat the protected
modifier if this exposure isn’t intentional.
Cross-hierarchy protected
Different OOP languages disagree about whether it’s legal to access a protected
member through a base class reference:
classBase {protectedx : number = 1;}classDerived1 extendsBase {protectedx : number = 5;}classDerived2 extendsBase {f1 (other :Derived2 ) {other .x = 10;}f2 (other :Derived1 ) {Property 'x' is protected and only accessible within class 'Derived1' and its subclasses.2445Property 'x' is protected and only accessible within class 'Derived1' and its subclasses.other .= 10; x }}
Java, for example, considers this to be legal. On the other hand, C# and C++ chose that this code should be illegal.
TypeScript sides with C# and C++ here, because accessing x
in Derived2
should only be legal from Derived2
’s subclasses, and Derived1
isn’t one of them.
Moreover, if accessing x
through a Derived1
reference is illegal (which it certainly should be!), then accessing it through a base class reference should never improve the situation.
See also Why Can’t I Access A Protected Member From A Derived Class? which explains more of C#‘s reasoning.
is like protected
, but doesn’t allow access to the member even from subclasses:
classBase {privatex = 0;}constb = newBase ();// Can't access from outside the classProperty 'x' is private and only accessible within class 'Base'.2341Property 'x' is private and only accessible within class 'Base'.console .log (b .); x
classDerived extendsBase {showX () {// Can't access in subclassesProperty 'x' is private and only accessible within class 'Base'.2341Property 'x' is private and only accessible within class 'Base'.console .log (this.); x }}
Because private
members aren’t visible to derived classes, a derived class can’t increase their visibility:
classBase {privatex = 0;}classClass 'Derived' incorrectly extends base class 'Base'. Property 'x' is private in type 'Base' but not in type 'Derived'.2415Class 'Derived' incorrectly extends base class 'Base'. Property 'x' is private in type 'Base' but not in type 'Derived'.extends Derived Base {x = 1;}
Cross-instance private
Different OOP languages disagree about whether different instances of the same class may access each others’ private
While languages like Java, C#, C++, Swift, and PHP allow this, Ruby does not.
TypeScript does allow cross-instance private
classA {privatex = 10;publicsameAs (other :A ) {// No errorreturnother .x === this.x ;}}
Like other aspects of TypeScript’s type system, private
and protected
are only enforced during type checking.
This means that JavaScript runtime constructs like in
or simple property lookup can still access a private
or protected
classMySafe {privatesecretKey = 12345;}
// In a JavaScript file...const s = new MySafe();// Will print 12345console.log(s.secretKey);
also allows access using bracket notation during type checking. This makes private
-declared fields potentially easier to access for things like unit tests, with the drawback that these fields are soft private and don’t strictly enforce privacy.
classMySafe {privatesecretKey = 12345;}consts = newMySafe ();// Not allowed during type checkingProperty 'secretKey' is private and only accessible within class 'MySafe'.2341Property 'secretKey' is private and only accessible within class 'MySafe'.console .log (s .); secretKey // OKconsole .log (s ["secretKey"]);
Unlike TypeScripts’s private
, JavaScript’s private fields (#
) remain private after compilation and do not provide the previously mentioned escape hatches like bracket notation access, making them hard private.
classDog {#barkAmount = 0;personality = "happy";constructor() {}}
"use strict";class Dog {#barkAmount = 0;personality = "happy";constructor() { }}
When compiling to ES2021 or less, TypeScript will use WeakMaps in place of #
"use strict";var _Dog_barkAmount;class Dog {constructor() {_Dog_barkAmount.set(this, 0);this.personality = "happy";}}_Dog_barkAmount = new WeakMap();
If you need to protect values in your class from malicious actors, you should use mechanisms that offer hard runtime privacy, such as closures, WeakMaps, or private fields. Note that these added privacy checks during runtime could affect performance.
Static Members
Background Reading:
Static Members (MDN)
Classes may have static
These members aren’t associated with a particular instance of the class.
They can be accessed through the class constructor object itself:
classMyClass {staticx = 0;staticprintX () {console .log (MyClass .x );}}console .log (MyClass .x );MyClass .printX ();
Static members can also use the same public
, protected
, and private
visibility modifiers:
classMyClass {private staticx = 0;}Property 'x' is private and only accessible within class 'MyClass'.2341Property 'x' is private and only accessible within class 'MyClass'.console .log (MyClass .); x
Static members are also inherited:
classBase {staticgetGreeting () {return "Hello world";}}classDerived extendsBase {myGreeting =Derived .getGreeting ();}
Special Static Names
It’s generally not safe/possible to overwrite properties from the Function
Because classes are themselves functions that can be invoked with new
, certain static
names can’t be used.
Function properties like name
, length
, and call
aren’t valid to define as static
classS {staticStatic property 'name' conflicts with built-in property '' of constructor function 'S'.2699Static property 'name' conflicts with built-in property '' of constructor function 'S'.= "S!"; name }
Why No Static Classes?
TypeScript (and JavaScript) don’t have a construct called static class
the same way as, for example, C# does.
Those constructs only exist because those languages force all data and functions to be inside a class; because that restriction doesn’t exist in TypeScript, there’s no need for them. A class with only a single instance is typically just represented as a normal object in JavaScript/TypeScript.
For example, we don’t need a “static class” syntax in TypeScript because a regular object (or even top-level function) will do the job just as well:
// Unnecessary "static" classclassMyStaticClass {staticdoSomething () {}}// Preferred (alternative 1)functiondoSomething () {}// Preferred (alternative 2)constMyHelperObject = {dosomething () {},};
Blocks in Classes
Static blocks allow you to write a sequence of statements with their own scope that can access private fields within the containing class. This means that we can write initialization code with all the capabilities of writing statements, no leakage of variables, and full access to our class’s internals.
classFoo {static #count = 0;getcount () {returnFoo .#count;}static {try {constlastInstances =loadLastInstances ();Foo .#count +=lastInstances .length ;}catch {}}}
Generic Classes
Classes, much like interfaces, can be generic.
When a generic class is instantiated with new
, its type parameters are inferred the same way as in a function call:
classBox <Type > {contents :Type ;constructor(value :Type ) {this.contents =value ;}}constb = newBox ("hello!");
Classes can use generic constraints and defaults the same way as interfaces.
Type Parameters in Static Members
This code isn’t legal, and it may not be obvious why:
classBox <Type > {staticStatic members cannot reference class type parameters.2302Static members cannot reference class type parameters.defaultValue :; Type }
Remember that types are always fully erased!
At runtime, there’s only one Box.defaultValue
property slot.
This means that setting Box<string>.defaultValue
(if that were possible) would also change Box<number>.defaultValue
- not good.
The static
members of a generic class can never refer to the class’s type parameters.
at Runtime in Classes
Background Reading:
this keyword (MDN)
It’s important to remember that TypeScript doesn’t change the runtime behavior of JavaScript, and that JavaScript is somewhat famous for having some peculiar runtime behaviors.
JavaScript’s handling of this
is indeed unusual:
classMyClass {name = "MyClass";getName () {return ;}}constc = newMyClass ();constobj = {name : "obj",getName :c .getName ,};// Prints "obj", not "MyClass"console .log (obj .getName ());
Long story short, by default, the value of this
inside a function depends on how the function was called.
In this example, because the function was called through the obj
reference, its value of this
was obj
rather than the class instance.
This is rarely what you want to happen! TypeScript provides some ways to mitigate or prevent this kind of error.
Arrow Functions
Background Reading:
Arrow functions (MDN)
If you have a function that will often be called in a way that loses its this
context, it can make sense to use an arrow function property instead of a method definition:
classMyClass {name = "MyClass";getName = () => {return ;};}constc = newMyClass ();constg =c .getName ;// Prints "MyClass" instead of crashingconsole .log (g ());
This has some trade-offs:
- The
value is guaranteed to be correct at runtime, even for code not checked with TypeScript - This will use more memory, because each class instance will have its own copy of each function defined this way
- You can’t use
in a derived class, because there’s no entry in the prototype chain to fetch the base class method from
In a method or function definition, an initial parameter named this
has special meaning in TypeScript.
These parameters are erased during compilation:
// TypeScript input with 'this' parameterfunctionfn (this :SomeType ,x : number) {/* ... */}
// JavaScript outputfunction fn(x) {/* ... */}
TypeScript checks that calling a function with a this
parameter is done so with a correct context.
Instead of using an arrow function, we can add a this
parameter to method definitions to statically enforce that the method is called correctly:
classMyClass {name = "MyClass";getName (this :MyClass ) {return ;}}constc = newMyClass ();// OKc .getName ();// Error, would crashconstg =c .getName ;The 'this' context of type 'void' is not assignable to method's 'this' of type 'MyClass'.2684The 'this' context of type 'void' is not assignable to method's 'this' of type 'MyClass'.console .log (g ());
This method makes the opposite trade-offs of the arrow function approach:
- JavaScript callers might still use the class method incorrectly without realizing it
- Only one function per class definition gets allocated, rather than one per class instance
- Base method definitions can still be called via
In classes, a special type called this
refers dynamically to the type of the current class.
Let’s see how this is useful:
classBox {contents : string = "";set (value : string) {this.contents =value ;return this;}}
Here, TypeScript inferred the return type of set
to be this
, rather than Box
Now let’s make a subclass of Box
classClearableBox extendsBox {clear () {this.contents = "";}}consta = newClearableBox ();constb =a .set ("hello");
You can also use this
in a parameter type annotation:
classBox {content : string = "";sameAs (other : this) {returnother .content === this.content ;}}
This is different from writing other: Box
— if you have a derived class, its sameAs
method will now only accept other instances of that same derived class:
classBox {content : string = "";sameAs (other : this) {returnother .content === this.content ;}}classDerivedBox extendsBox {otherContent : string = "?";}constbase = newBox ();constderived = newDerivedBox ();Argument of type 'Box' is not assignable to parameter of type 'DerivedBox'. Property 'otherContent' is missing in type 'Box' but required in type 'DerivedBox'.2345Argument of type 'Box' is not assignable to parameter of type 'DerivedBox'. Property 'otherContent' is missing in type 'Box' but required in type 'DerivedBox'.derived .sameAs (); base
-based type guards
You can use this is Type
in the return position for methods in classes and interfaces.
When mixed with a type narrowing (e.g. if
statements) the type of the target object would be narrowed to the specified Type
classFileSystemObject {isFile (): this isFileRep {return this instanceofFileRep ;}isDirectory (): this isDirectory {return this instanceofDirectory ;}isNetworked (): this isNetworked & this {return this.networked ;}constructor(publicpath : string, privatenetworked : boolean) {}}classFileRep extendsFileSystemObject {constructor(path : string, publiccontent : string) {super(path , false);}}classDirectory extendsFileSystemObject {children :FileSystemObject [];}interfaceNetworked {host : string;}constfso :FileSystemObject = newFileRep ("foo/bar.txt", "foo");if (fso .isFile ()) {fso .content ;} else if (fso .isDirectory ()) {fso .children ;} else if (fso .isNetworked ()) {fso .host ;}
A common use-case for a this-based type guard is to allow for lazy validation of a particular field. For example, this case removes an undefined
from the value held inside box when hasValue
has been verified to be true:
classBox <T > {value ?:T ;hasValue (): this is {value :T } {return this.value !==undefined ;}}constbox = newBox <string>();box .value = "Gameboy";box .value ;if (box .hasValue ()) {box .value ;}
Parameter Properties
TypeScript offers special syntax for turning a constructor parameter into a class property with the same name and value.
These are called parameter properties and are created by prefixing a constructor argument with one of the visibility modifiers public
, private
, protected
, or readonly
The resulting field gets those modifier(s):
classParams {constructor(public readonlyx : number,protectedy : number,privatez : number) {// No body necessary}}consta = newParams (1, 2, 3);console .log (a .x );Property 'z' is private and only accessible within class 'Params'.2341Property 'z' is private and only accessible within class 'Params'.console .log (a .); z
Class Expressions
Background Reading:
Class expressions (MDN)
Class expressions are very similar to class declarations. The only real difference is that class expressions don’t need a name, though we can refer to them via whatever identifier they ended up bound to:
constsomeClass = class<Type > {content :Type ;constructor(value :Type ) {this.content =value ;}};constm = newsomeClass ("Hello, world");
Constructor Signatures
JavaScript classes are instantiated with the new
operator. Given the type of a class itself, the InstanceType utility type models this operation.
classPoint {createdAt : number;x : number;y : numberconstructor(x : number,y : number) {this.createdAt =Date .now ()this.x =x ;this.y =y ;}}typePointInstance =InstanceType <typeofPoint >functionmoveRight (point :PointInstance ) {point .x += 5;}constpoint = newPoint (3, 4);moveRight (point );point .x ; // => 8
Classes and Members
Classes, methods, and fields in TypeScript may be abstract.
An abstract method or abstract field is one that hasn’t had an implementation provided. These members must exist inside an abstract class, which cannot be directly instantiated.
The role of abstract classes is to serve as a base class for subclasses which do implement all the abstract members. When a class doesn’t have any abstract members, it is said to be concrete.
Let’s look at an example:
abstract classBase {abstractgetName (): string;printName () {console .log ("Hello, " + this.getName ());}}constCannot create an instance of an abstract class.2511Cannot create an instance of an abstract class.b = newBase ();
We can’t instantiate Base
with new
because it’s abstract.
Instead, we need to make a derived class and implement the abstract members:
classDerived extendsBase {getName () {return "world";}}constd = newDerived ();d .printName ();
Notice that if we forget to implement the base class’s abstract members, we’ll get an error:
classNon-abstract class 'Derived' does not implement all abstract members of 'Base'18052Non-abstract class 'Derived' does not implement all abstract members of 'Base'extends Derived Base {// forgot to do anything}
Abstract Construct Signatures
Sometimes you want to accept some class constructor function that produces an instance of a class which derives from some abstract class.
For example, you might want to write this code:
functiongreet (ctor : typeofBase ) {constCannot create an instance of an abstract class.2511Cannot create an instance of an abstract class.instance = newctor ();instance .printName ();}
TypeScript is correctly telling you that you’re trying to instantiate an abstract class.
After all, given the definition of greet
, it’s perfectly legal to write this code, which would end up constructing an abstract class:
// Bad!greet (Base );
Instead, you want to write a function that accepts something with a construct signature:
functiongreet (ctor : new () =>Base ) {constinstance = newctor ();instance .printName ();}greet (Derived );Argument of type 'typeof Base' is not assignable to parameter of type 'new () => Base'. Cannot assign an abstract constructor type to a non-abstract constructor type.2345Argument of type 'typeof Base' is not assignable to parameter of type 'new () => Base'. Cannot assign an abstract constructor type to a non-abstract constructor type.greet (); Base
Now TypeScript correctly tells you about which class constructor functions can be invoked - Derived
can because it’s concrete, but Base
Relationships Between Classes
In most cases, classes in TypeScript are compared structurally, the same as other types.
For example, these two classes can be used in place of each other because they’re identical:
classPoint1 {x = 0;y = 0;}classPoint2 {x = 0;y = 0;}// OKconstp :Point1 = newPoint2 ();
Similarly, subtype relationships between classes exist even if there’s no explicit inheritance:
classPerson {name : string;age : number;}classEmployee {name : string;age : number;salary : number;}// OKconstp :Person = newEmployee ();
This sounds straightforward, but there are a few cases that seem stranger than others.
Empty classes have no members. In a structural type system, a type with no members is generally a supertype of anything else. So if you write an empty class (don’t!), anything can be used in place of it:
classEmpty {}functionfn (x :Empty ) {// can't do anything with 'x', so I won't}// All OK!fn (window );fn ({});fn (fn );